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San Antonio New Construction: 5 Commercial Builders You Can Rely On - 博客 Image

San Antonio New Construction: 5 Commercial Builders You Can Rely On


Finding the right commercial builder for construction projects in San Antonio Texas isn’t always an easy task. A quick Google search will pull up plenty of options, but can you count on them for completing the job on budget, 在时间和高质量的标准? 有一个总承包商[…]

劳布报告:进入新常态 - 博客 Image



We are still in the midst of the Covid-19 healthcare crisis, but it appears the worst of this first phase is over. 在圣安东尼奥, hospitalizations have dropped from 77 to 54 with only 3 on ventilators as of the end of April. So, San Antonio metro area has not been hit as hard […]

Raub报告: Property Value in San Antonio Outpacing Value Appreciation - 博客 Image

Raub报告: Property Value in San Antonio Outpacing Value Appreciation


A frequent topic I see lately is the issue of Affordable Housing and property value in San Antonio. 拥有房产的最大开销之一, whether it’s your own home or a rental property, 是财产税吗?. 365bet苹果客户端 appreciation in San Antonio averaged about 4.去年是3%,是德州最高的比率之一. […]

即将推出:100平方英尺水泥微舱 - 博客 Image



Housing costs and lack of space continues to drive developers to think outside the box. 事实上, 开发者根本没有考虑到盒子, they’re thinking of round cylindrical 100 square foot micro apartments as a small solution to the ever increasing need for space. Hong Kong-based James Law Cybertecture unveiled their designs for OPods, […]

Investors See Effects of a Peaked Multifamily Market - 博客 Image

Investors See Effects of a Peaked Multifamily Market


Changes are on the horizon for San Antonio multi-family investments. Forecasts for renters in San Antonio this year may be great; however, several factors are making it tough to invest in multifamily properties. 而租房者可能会欢欣鼓舞, investors are finding it hard to deal with the recent changes to the tax code, 更高的利息[…]

Baby Boomers keep Millennials from buying homes- Housing Shortage Study


Baby Boomers may be somewhat to blame for continued housing inventory shortages. Boomers are reluctant to sell which leaves Millennials, 也被称为Y世代, 有更少的属性可供选择. 房地产经纪人的新住房短缺研究.com mentioned there is data behind the shortage of homes. Boomers hold a 78% stake in homeownership compared […]



With Class A apartment construction steadily rising in the last few years, 租金持续上涨, 和更高的, so much so that one in four working renters is paying 50% or more of their income monthly. “Inclusionary Zoning” would require developers to allow for a certain number of units to be priced accordingly in […]



Oversaturation in the San Antonio multifamily market has been on everyone’s minds as construction and permits have continued to rise quarter after quarter, however economic developments in the city make it clear that the absorption for new construction will be there. 根据马库斯 & Millichap report for Multifamily in the 3Q, San Antonio […]

公寓供应 & 需求


今年早些时候, there were signs that construction would spike in 2013, 大约是150,000 to 200,000个单位.  Developers have since postponed many projects to 2014, 因此,2013年的数字接近130人,000个单位 – not far off from the pre-recession 10-year annual average of around 125,000个单位.  “泡沫”现在显示[…]



San Antonio’s multifamily market has historically been exempt from the fluctuations typical of other Texas cities. Job growth is the most powerful force behind San Antonio’s multifamily growth.  美国.S. military has long been one of the region’s largest employers, and San Antonio has been the beneficiary of the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) activity, […]



在奥斯汀, Apartment Realty Advisors principal Dave Fournier tells us affordable housing occupancy is particularly tight for the LIHTC properties that serve tenants at 30% of area median income and where average market rents are high (i.e. 芝加哥). In other words, renters are downgrading asset classes and driving up demand for affordable housing. 所有[…]



Apartment market conditions continue to improve across the board, according to the National Multi Housing Council’s (NMHC) latest Quarterly Survey of Apartment Market Conditions. “需求 for apartment residences continues to rise, even as the overall economy remains hampered by the aftermath of the housing bubble,NMHC首席经济学家马克·奥布林斯基说. “这是第五次……”